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Nord Stage 4 - Worship Sound Pack - Volume 1 - Digital Download

Nord Stage 4 - Worship Sound Pack - Volume 1 - Digital Download

Regular price $45.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $45.00 USD
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My Worship Sound Pack Volume 1 for the Nord Stage 4 is finally here! This sound pack includes 8 programs, each with 2 variations, as well as two synth presets that I use regularly in my church including the Nord Stage 4 version of my "perfect pad" sound! These sounds are great for use in your church or as a starting point for your own customization. I've developed these patches all with factory sounds as the base and have been using them them live and in my studio. I'm so excited to finally able to share them with you! This product is a digital download that includes the bundle, program, and preset files as well as instructions for installing onto your Nord Stage 4. 

The following 8 programs are included with this digital download and each include 2 variations:

  1. Perfect Pad & Piano
  2. Flex Piano
  3. Perfect Pad & Felt Piano
  4. Perfect Pad Movement
  5. Heavenly Piano
  6. Perfect Pad & Electric Piano
  7. Wide Pad
  8. Wide Pad & Piano

The following 2 Synth Presets are included with this digital download:

  1. Perfect Pad
  2. Wide Pad

The following Bundles are included with this digital download (Bundles contain all the samples used in case you've changed your Nord Stage 4 from the factory sounds):

  1. Program Bundle
  2. Synth Preset Bundle

You can watch my video demo of these programs here:

You can watch my video demo - no talking - of these programs here:

If you prefer to watch video instructions, I walk you step by step through the installation in this video:

Note: At this time these programs are ONLY compatible with the Nord Stage 4 OS version 1.04 and higher

Please note, due to the nature of this digital download product, I am unable to provide returns or refunds. All sales are final.

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